Migrena attack

3 odpowiedzi
Dear Doctor,I do not know if you speak English, I would like to ask you, whether You have a spesific treatment for migrean or not? What is the best medicine to use during the migrean attacks in PL?
76618Before treatment each patient should by diagnosed. After diagnosis we can personalised treatment. The treatment depends on the kind of migraine. Despite medical advances, migraines can be difficult to treat. There is not universal treatment. Doctor have to ordinate the best cure for patient.

The goal of abortive therapy is to prevent a migraine attack or to stop it once it starts. The prescribed medications stop a headache during its prodrome stage or once it has begun and may be taken as needed. Attacks of migraine are treated by nonsteroid antiinflammatory drugs ( eg. paracetamol, ibuprofen...) or ergotamine tartrate, dihydroergotamine. Abortive treatment medications include the triptans, which specifically target the chemical serotonin. The triptans are used only to treat migraine headache pain ( eg. Sumatriptan, Eletriptan, Zolmitiptan...).

In the chronic migraine the best option is to use botlinum toxin type A. This type of treatment is considered if a migraineur has more than 2-3 migraine per week. The goal is to lessen the frequency and severity of the migraine attacks. Effects of iniection persists about 6 mounths. The another option is prevention treatment. Medication to prevent a migraine can be taken daily. Different drug classes have been used successfully as preventive therapies. Preventive treatment medications include the following: beta blockers (eg. propranolol), calcium channel blockers (verapamil), antidepressants, antiepileptic medications.

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Pokaż specjalistów Jak to działa?
Migraine is a specific kind of headache. Treatment depends on frequency and intensity and is usually prescibed by a doctor after examination.There are several drugs to reduce the pain: paracetamol, NSAIDs, derivative of tramadol. To stop the attack of migraine You can also use triptans. When the attacks are often (usually more than 15 per month) doctor may initiate the prevention- those drugs need to be taken every day. Sometimes during the attack You can experience nausea and vomiting- and we prescibe drugs such as dimenhydraminum or metoclopramide. I hope that those informations will help You to deal with miagraine, if not- You have to consult with the doctor
Treatment for migrean depends on how often are the attacks of headache , how long (days, hours) they persist, how old is the patient and what concommitant diseases he has.
When the attacks developes twice a month I advice the patient to use triptans on the beginning of headache. When the migrean attacks are more often and hard I use to include prophylaxis for several weeks or months. I choose proper for the patiens medicine (mostly: flunarizine, metoprolol, iprazochrom, sometimes antiepileptic drugs or other). Best regards. Ewa Ogrodowska-Hamankiewicz

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