My question is a little specific.I'm 25 years old. I'm suffering from atopic dermatits since I was a
My question is a little specific.I'm 25 years old. I'm suffering from atopic dermatits since I was a child. I had my allergies in my arms and legs when I was a children but now I have it on my face and eye area. I was using protopic for a long time, but not too often, only when I have really intense allergy. However I read some articles about protopic , it's written that It can cause lymph node and skin cancer, could someone please inform me about the risks of using it? Is it safe to use it or is there a slight chance? What else can I try better then protopic? Is there any other "safe" cream that can work for me?
I'll be appreciate if someone can answer me,
I'll be appreciate if someone can answer me,
There are some publications that protopic can enlarge tje riosk of skin cancer but only when the skin is intensely exposed to the sun fot long time , it inhibits the local immune system thats the reason why after long exposition of sun the risk is higher.
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