Witam Państwa, Czy odreagowywanie seksem lub mastrubacją jest objawem zaburzenia z F52.8 Inne dysfu
Witam Państwa,
Czy odreagowywanie seksem lub mastrubacją jest objawem zaburzenia z F52.8 Inne dysfunkcje seksualne bez przyczyn organicznych lub chorobowych ?
Klasyfikacja ICD-10 w 1992 roku wyrażała: (cytuje) "F52 Sexual dysfunction, not caused by organic disorder or disease Sexual dysfunction covers the various ways in which an individual is unable to participate in a sexual relationship as he or she would wish. There may be lack of interest, lack of enjoyment, failure of the physiological responses necessary for effective sexual interaction (e.g. erection), or inability to control or experience orgasm. Sexual response is a psychosomatic process; and both psychological and somatic processes are usually involved in the causation of sexual dysfunction. It may be possible to identify an unequivocal psychogenic or organic etiology, but more commonly, particularly with such problems as erectile failure or dyspareunia, it is difficult to ascertain the relative importance of psychological and/or organic factors. In such cases, it is appropriate to categorize the condition as being of either mixed or uncertain etiology. Some types of dysfunction (e.g. lack of sexual desire) occur in both men and women. Women, however, tend to present more commonly with complaints about the subjective quality of the sexual experience (e.g. lack of enjoyment or interest) rather than failure of a specific response. The complaint of orgasmic dysfunction is not unusual, but when one aspect of a women's sexual response is affected, others are also likely to be impaired. For example, if a woman is unable to experience orgasm, she will often find herself unable to enjoy other aspects of lovemaking and will thus lose much of her sexual appetite. Men, on the other hand, though complaining of failure of a specific response such as erection or ejaculation, often report a continuing sexual appetite. It is therefore necessary to look beyond the presenting complaint to find the most appropriate diagnostic category."
Czy odreagowywanie seksem lub mastrubacją jest objawem zaburzenia z F52.8 Inne dysfunkcje seksualne bez przyczyn organicznych lub chorobowych ?
Klasyfikacja ICD-10 w 1992 roku wyrażała: (cytuje) "F52 Sexual dysfunction, not caused by organic disorder or disease Sexual dysfunction covers the various ways in which an individual is unable to participate in a sexual relationship as he or she would wish. There may be lack of interest, lack of enjoyment, failure of the physiological responses necessary for effective sexual interaction (e.g. erection), or inability to control or experience orgasm. Sexual response is a psychosomatic process; and both psychological and somatic processes are usually involved in the causation of sexual dysfunction. It may be possible to identify an unequivocal psychogenic or organic etiology, but more commonly, particularly with such problems as erectile failure or dyspareunia, it is difficult to ascertain the relative importance of psychological and/or organic factors. In such cases, it is appropriate to categorize the condition as being of either mixed or uncertain etiology. Some types of dysfunction (e.g. lack of sexual desire) occur in both men and women. Women, however, tend to present more commonly with complaints about the subjective quality of the sexual experience (e.g. lack of enjoyment or interest) rather than failure of a specific response. The complaint of orgasmic dysfunction is not unusual, but when one aspect of a women's sexual response is affected, others are also likely to be impaired. For example, if a woman is unable to experience orgasm, she will often find herself unable to enjoy other aspects of lovemaking and will thus lose much of her sexual appetite. Men, on the other hand, though complaining of failure of a specific response such as erection or ejaculation, often report a continuing sexual appetite. It is therefore necessary to look beyond the presenting complaint to find the most appropriate diagnostic category."
Dzień dobry, na podstawie jednej informacji trudno postawić diagnozę. Nie wiem też, co to znaczy "odreagować", ponieważ dla każdego takie stwierdzenie może oznaczać coś innego. Sama formułka "odreagowywanie seksem lub masturbacją..." mi w pierwszej kolejności nasuwa myśl o uzależnieniu, jednak trudno jednoznacznie powiedzieć. Co do zasady dysfunkcje seksualne dotyczą jakości stosunku seksualnego oraz możliwości odbycia go. Kwestia tu poruszona raczej byłaby do rozpatrzenia w kategoriach: dlaczego osoba podejmuje się takich zachowań. Pozdrawiam serdecznie, Olga Balicka
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